Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Weigh-in Wednesday #1

It's Wednesday, but it feels like a Monday since it's our first day back to school and work after Christmas vacation. Actually I homeschool my kids and I totally made them do school yesterday too. Well, just my 14 year old daughter did a full day, while the other two just did a math lesson. Jake just left for work after being off for more than two weeks! I hope today will go smoothly, but back to school days rarely go as planned.I have a hair appointment this morning, so I got up early and did my make up.

I decided that I would only weigh-in every Wednesday so that I wasn't living my life for this scale. So this morning, I weighed in at 195 lbs. I'm feeling pretty optimistic about this 195 lbs, since I weighed myself last week and was about 4 pounds more than that. I've only been this heavy right after giving birth to each of my kids, so I have my work cut out for me.

I've decided to follow the Trim Healthy Mama eating plan. In the past 16 years, I've done Weight Watchers, Low Carb, No Carb, Slow Carb, Low Fat, Alli, Keto, Pure Slim, 21 Day Fix, Calorie Counting, and Trim Healthy Mama. I've pretty much tried everything there is including trying to hypnotize myself by listening to someone tell me I wasn't starving through headphones before bed. I think any of these plans can and do work, save the hypnotism route, however whatever plan you stick with (I stick with) is the one that is the best one. I truly like Trim Healthy Mama even though the weight-loss isn't as fast as some of the other plans. It's more sustainable and doesn't lend itself to an all or nothing plan. Meaning that when I encounter pitfalls, all is not lost. I have some friends working on their own trim healthy lifestyles, and my husband doesn't hate it either. Strength in numbers, I'm telling myself!

So this morning, I'm armed with a grocery list and my collagen coffee. I'm going to have a nice breakfast and read my Bible before I head off to get beautified. Before I leave you, here is my weigh-in Wednesday picture.
01/03/18  195lbs

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