Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Weigh-In Wednesday..err Tuesday #2

So, I totally let way to many days go by since my last post. I thought about posting several times but I never made it a priority. I did however, actually do a weigh-in on Wednesday and I had lost 2 pounds last week. On January 10th, I was down to 193 lbs! Yay me! I feel good and I can tell that my tummy is getting smaller. I've followed the Trim Healthy Mama plan very well, minus one meal at a friend's house. (She made delicious spaghetti!) The next morning came, and I was right back on plan. This week, I've added in workouts and Bible study to my morning. So far, I'm two for two! Yesterday, I rode my spin bike while I jammed out to Christian cardio on Spotify, and this morning I tried out a new workout on YouTube using our rebounder (small trampoline) and an additional arm workout. The rebounder workout was a lot harder than I expected it to be and I had to stop bouncing a few times to catch my breath. I've been reading about all the health benefits of rebounding and plan on incorporating it as a regular workout.

My Bible study is focused on 1 John. I joined an online Bible study through Proverbs 31 ministry and it is using a book called I am loved written by Wendy Blight. I haven't started the online part of the Bible study yet, but I have began by just reading 1 John and journaling. I've never finished a whole Bible study before, and I always feel a little behind when I join them since I'm a chronic procrastinator, or even more accurate, I just don't plan my days well enough and waste so much time. My word for 2018 is VICTORY though, so I will celebrate each small victory. I want to be in God's word each day. I pray that the discipline of getting up each day to workout and read, will become habit, just like eating healthy and homeschooling my kids. Through small victories, I am sure that I will see larger victories!

Here is a picture of me from yesterday morning as I was preparing for a day of tutoring. I have been super successful this past week at keeping a good attitude about the things I am working on. My class last week went very well, and I felt the kids were very engaged and excited about knowing their material well. Yesterday wasn't quite as great, but never the less, we accomplished everything we set out to do. Another VICTORY! Tomorrow is another weigh-in Wednesday, and it also happens to be my 35th birthday! So I'm going to attempt some THM cakes today. Hopefully I'll find one that isn't gross. Stay tuned!

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